He said it was the first time they were making a public appeal because of pressure on the police kennels, which usually import about half of their annual requirement. 他说,这是警方首次向公众发出呼吁,因为警犬基地每年需要的警犬通常约有一半是进口的。
Joe Louis was the first African-American athlete to receive crossover appeal in mainstream America, earning reverence from black and white people alike. 乔·路易斯是第一位受到美国主流社会欢迎的美国黑人,同时受到黑人和白人的爱戴。
First of all, we should appeal to the authorities to take drastic measures to reward people who do much to protect the forest resource. 首先,我们应该呼吁政府采取有利措施来保护森林资源的有功人员。
In 2009, David Ericsson, a Swedish Watch Designer, became one of the first to set up shop, drawn by the appeal of low rent. 2009年,瑞典手表设计师大卫爱里克松(davidericsson)受上环低租金吸引,成为首批在此开店的创业者。
First, advertisements appeal to be accurately striking. 首先,广告诉求要准确鲜明。
In our judicial procedure, if a party concerned contests the court's decision of first instance, he may file and appeal to the court at the next higher level. 在我国审判程序中,如果当事人一方不服初审法院的判决,可以向上一级法院提出上诉。
Her case be lose in the first court, but the appeal court say that she be right A friend of the man being tried in court tampered with a witness. 在审判法庭她败诉,但受理上诉法庭说她的上诉是正确的此人正在法庭上为受审的一个朋友作伪证。
The32-year-old's first task will be to film an appeal about the importance of clean water supplies. 今年32岁的奥兰多布鲁姆接到的第一个任务是拍摄一个短片,呼吁全世界关注为儿童提供洁净水的问题。
According to law, if a party refuses to accept the judgement and ruling of the first trial, he may appeal to a higher people's court; 根据法律规定,当事人对一审的判决、裁定不服的,可以向上一级人民法院提出上诉;
The first makeup of the appeal is that it allows you to feel happy at heart and sweet! 第一款妆容的魅力在于它能让你从内心深处感到快乐甜蜜!
First guess a man's ruling passion, appeal to it by a word, set it in motion by temptation, and you will infallibly give chechmate to his freedom of will. 揣测一个人的主要兴趣,以言语要求他,以诱惑促其行动,他必为你所用。
Jobs was among the first computer engineers to recognize the appeal of the mouse and the graphical interface, which let users operate computers by clicking on images instead of writing text. 乔布斯是最早认识到运用鼠标与图像界面操作的重要性的人之一。这使得用户通过点击图像而非输入命令来控制电脑。
The UN did not issue its first appeal until then, though it made a small provision for expected problems in November. 之前联合国并没有发出呼吁,尽管它预见到11月份的灾难并提供了少量帮助。
In Nepal, a worsening situation due to the country's nine-year insurgency has led to its first consolidated appeal. 在尼泊尔,由于该国九年的叛乱形势正在恶化,这已导致为其第一次提出统一捐助呼吁。
The First District Court of Appeals dismisses an appeal dealing with the use of evidence in a dog fighting case. 第一区上诉法院驳回上诉处理中使用的证据狗的战斗情况。
And it seems to have worked-at least the part of making a game appealing to both sexes, with video game gurus saying Pac-Man was one of the first arcade games to appeal to a large audience. 它似乎已工作的-至少一部分的男女作出呼吁这两个游戏,视频游戏大师说吃豆人的游戏之一,第一商场以吸引大量的观众。
Robles had crossed the line first, but Liu Xiang, a close second, launched an appeal, claiming the Cuban disrupted him in the last two hurdles, pushing the into third place. Liu, now, holds silver. 罗伯斯第一个冲过终点线,刘翔提出上诉,称古巴人在最后两个栏干扰了他,把这位中国跑步运动员挤到第三的位置,现在,刘翔获得了银牌。
And maybe at first, the appeal works on those too stupid to catch the drift that they are being had. 也许在第一,呼吁对这些作品太愚蠢赶上漂移,他们正在有。
Coca-Cola developed its popular Minute Maid Pulpy juice drink first to appeal to Chinese tastes, but it has since gone on to become a$ 1bn global brand. 可口可乐(Coca-Cola)颇受消费者欢迎的美汁源(MinuteMaidPulpy)果汁最早就是为了迎合中国人的口味而推出的,后来才发展成为年销售额10亿美元的全球品牌。
In accordance with the principle, the court of second instance must review the facts found or the law applied by the court of first instance though the parties make no appeal or the prosecution makes no protest. 这个原则作为一种制度,使二审法院必须要对当事人没有上诉、检察机关也没有抗诉的一审判决中认定的事实部分或法律适用部分进行全面的审理。
The first part introduces the definition and basic rules of civil appeal system. 第一部分介绍了民事上诉审的一般内涵和基本制度。民事上诉审制度包括审级制度、提起制度、审理制度与裁判制度。
The first part is the analysis of legal principle of collateral appeal system. 第一部分:附带上诉制度的法理分析。
The first part is about basic principles of trial on appeal. 第一部分上诉审程序基础理论。
To be in five parts, the first part of my presentation on the administrative appeal system of civil legislation and legislative background; 拟分五部分,第一部分介绍一下我国民事行政抗诉制度的立法概况以及立法特点;
So order became the first appeal. 所以,秩序理所当然成为第一位的诉求。
The modern level system, in fact, demonstrates same principles or similar ways to configuring functions, i.e.it takes the form of pyramidal criminal justice system, and the three-level courts consist of court of first instance, court of appeal and the supreme court. 现代审级制度在实质上体现着相同的原理或相似的功能配置方式,即大体均为三审终审的金字塔型审判系统,且三级法院分别由初审法院、上诉法院、最高法院构成。
The first is to establish the first instance of Final Appeal, the second instance is final and three trial tenure combining a wide range of trial-level system, followed by the establishment of the retrial system adaptation with the diversification of the trial-level structure. 首先是建立一审终审、两审终审和三审终身制相结合的多元化的审级制度,其次是建立与多元化审级结构相适应的再审制度。
Next summarize details of a case, judgment of first instance and the opinions of parties in appeal. 其次简述了基本案情、该案一审法院的判决和二审过程中争议双方的上诉理由。
It can be said that the establishment of a civil public interest litigation system has a deep legal basis, the first breakthrough of the traditional theory of the right to appeal, to resolve a civil public interest litigation filed eligibility. 可以说民事公益诉讼制度的建立有着其深刻的法理基础,首先是传统的诉权理论的突破,解决了民事公益诉讼提起资格问题。
Based on this problem, the first section mainly explores it from the concept of poetics and emotional appeal and also analyzes the politic connotations embodied in the works. 第一节缘此展开,从诗学观念和情感诉求两方面进行了探讨,并对其作品中蕴含的政治内涵作出分析。